Fashion lady wallet fashion style


  Fashion lady wallet, many models, the design and delivery of books and online to help you make a leather purse instructions. A little patience, you can make a leather purse complimentary to your personality, do not take very much to get started.
  1 Gather all materials need to model your wallet. Make sure you have everything you need to advance, to ensure the best results.
  2 Fashion lady wallet times the leather, and the pattern of lines on your hammer to create two creases. Make sure your wallet or both. Application of rubber cement sealing the edges, let it dry, then the edge of the top sewing machine.
  3 decals, or any need to cut a piece of leather, leather wallets to make your design. Plasticine where you want to go. Let the cement dry, then top stitch purse before.
  4 Use an awl and faster hook decals applied to the leather. Cement, applique film on the wrong side, then top stitch on a purse.
  5 applies to any other design applique pieces will appear in front of or behind the purse rubber mud. Home stitch.
  6 Fashion lady wallet under the edge of the top seam edge using the Teflon feet 8 inches wallet. Needle, the bottom edge and fold over to create a side gussets, the leather wallet.